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Would you say our society is one of contentment?


One writer had this to say:


  • We spend more… but we have less

  • We buy more… but we enjoy it less

  • We have bigger houses… and smaller families

  • We have more conveniences… but less time

  • We have multiplied our posessions… but reduced our values

  • We have learned how to make a living… but not a life

  • We have added years to life… but not life to years

  • We have done larger things… but not better things

  • We have higher income… but lower morals

  • These are the times of steep profits… and shallow relationships

  • These are days of fancier houses… but of broken homes

  • It is a time when there is much in the “show” window… and nothing in the stockroom


I don’t think the writer overstated the case. If having more equated to contentment, the entire North American continent ought to be deliriously drooling with happiness. But we’re not. More is not better.


Maybe you have caught yourself thinking:


  • “When I’m married, then I’ll be happy…” or,

  • “When I lose that 20 pounds…then I’ll be happy” or even,

  • “When I make ‘x’ amount of dollars and buy that house…then I’ll be happy”?

  • “To be successful, I need to be as thin and attractive and make as much money as that person.”


Would we be content if we had everything the way we want it?  Someone has said, “We long for a better environment in which to live, assuming that with it we will achieve contentment


Even in the beginning, Adam and Eve had the perfect environment, and they were not content in it. They had perfect health, a perfect marriage, a perfect garden, and daily fellowship with God Himself, yet they soon believed the lie that God had not provided everything they needed for their present and future happiness.”[i] Our first parents reached out to gain more, but this plunged them to destruction. This demonstrates that having everything material cannot bring true pleasure.


We live in a culture where we’re taught to believe that more is never enough and our success is based on how we’re doing in comparison to others. But the truth is, this kind of thinking only results in dissatisfaction and disillusionment. This is why most of us possess so much, yet we enjoy what we have so little.


Don’t get caught in this trap! We need to learn contentment with God Himself.


A reporter once asked John D. Rockefeller, “how much is enough?” Mr. Rockefeller replied, “just a little bit more!”


That’s greed, and greed is the enemy of contentment.


Do you see the trap built into that attitude? If you define success as having “more than I have now”, you doom yourself to failure.


The reason is simple: you can never reach your goal. You will never be satisfied, because there is always more to be had. Like a mirage shimmering on the desert horizon, the goal of “more” will always elude your grasp. It’s a trap in which your failure is guaranteed!


Jesus said, “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” (Mark 8:36)


He also said:


“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” (Matthew 6:24)


Only through Jesus can we find a way to have our cake and eat it too. Here’s yet another case where God’s ways stand in opposition to the ways of the world.


The way to get all those things is: seek something else instead:


Jesus said: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)


The purpose of some lives is to serve as a warning. Here’s one of those:


  • First I was dying to finish high school and start college.

  • And then I was dying to finish college and start working.

  • And then I was dying to marry and have children.

  • And then I was dying for my children to grow old enough so I could return to work.

  • And then I was dying to retire.

  • And now, I am dying… and suddenly realize I forgot to live.


How much better to choose contentment as Paul did, and thus live in peace:


When your ways line up with God’s ways, He exchanges your sins, your worries, your fears and your anxieties for His peace


Contentment Must Be Learned


In the “Scripture card” at the beginning of this article, Paul teaches us that living in contentment “above your circumstances” does not come naturally to us. It must be learned.


Notice what Paul says in the Scripture card directly above: “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will (not “might”; WILL!!) guard you hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”!


This isn’t a case of head-in-the-sand denial of the realities of life. To the contrary. Life will always present problems, situations and obnoxious people for you to cope with.


But wouldn’t you agree that it’s easier to handle adversity from a position of peace and contentment, rather that one of fear and uncertainty?


So how do we find contentment?


  • Stop comparing yourself to others. "We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves." (2 Cor. 10:12) Don’t compare your house, body, spouse, etc., with what others have. When we do this we are without understanding. Instead of judging others’ motives or expectations, why don’t we just admire them instead.

  • Rejoice and give thanks in what you do have. “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thess. 5:18) Instead of focusing on your circumstances or what you don’t have, think about what you do have – and thank God for it! Until God gives you something different, it’s His will for us to thank Him for the things we have today.

  • Share what you have to help others. "Give and it will be given to you." (Luke 6:38) Don’t put your hope in wealth, which is so uncertain. Put your hope in God because He richly provides things for you to enjoy. Do good with what God has given you and be willing to share it. And start doing it in the little things. Share your time, your money, and your stuff.


The Supernatural Exchange


When you have surrendered to God — when you’re living by faith in obedience to His Word — and your thoughts are on Him instead of on your problems, an astonishing supernatural exchange takes place.


God takes away your sins from you, and in exchange He gives you assurance of eternal life. He also begins a transformation process to make you more like Jesus, and He begins using you to do His work on earth.


Throughout all of that He gives you supernatural peace and contentment beyond human understanding.


And guess what? The longer you choose to live that way, the more it becomes your normal way of life.


We know that there needs to be a balance here.  If one is lost in sin and his life is falling apart, he should be discontent with his situation in life.  This could lead to repentance.  But if a faithful lover of God must endure adverse circumstances for Christ’s sake, he needs to develop contentment until God chooses to change the circumstances.  Godly contentment may be combined with a holy ambition.  The Christian may have a zeal and ambition to grow in holiness, to learn more, to worship more, and to serve more fervently.  This doesn’t mean that he is discontent with material blessings, but he wishes to see his life change for the glory of God and the advancement of His kingdom.  In this sense, the godly person may be discontented—not in a sinful way but rather for the cause of Christ.


“Someone has wisely observed that Jesus is all we need, but we will not know it until He is all we have.”

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